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Dandelions and Daisies

You’ve see some old journal entries along the way from my lovely Irene.   She’s been gone for many years but I think about her often and turn to her journal some days when I need a little song in my heart.  From the rainy day after school with my feet in the oven, delivering dandelions for her kitchen table as wee thing, to naps while she lovingly tucked my blonde hair behind my ear…I still miss her like crazy.

At a recent conference in Sydney, we were all asked  “if you could meet up with anyone….who would it be” my answer was (and always is) Irene.    I could easily have picked an artist, a great musician, a historical figure…..but  nothing would make me happier than sitting down with a cup of tea, some biscuits and a quiet afternoon catching up on all that she’s missed.

The flower delivery continued yesterday, clutched in Noah’s little hands pushed lovingly upwards.   My heart filled with love for this sweet boy who had no idea that some daisies picked off the side of the road, could totally make my day and bring me back to some very sweet memories.

This is me, sending love, love, LOVE!    I have to give some away, my heart is currently overflowing!

With great love (for this child),


Shirly (Irene) Brink


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